Pronoun Rules and Examples in English Grammar

                                 í PRONOUN î


Pronoun rules

Pronoun rules are the most vital sector for learning
English grammar. The pronoun is the replacement of the noun which represents a place,
person, or anything. There are a lot of pronoun examples such as her, his, he,
she, them, they, you, our, themselves, these, that, those, this, who, how, what,
where and so many. It provides the concept of nouns and short sentences.

Generally, pronouns rules are a wide range of grammar which
has eight categories. These categories are vital branches such as personal
pronouns, interrogative pronouns, relative pronouns, demonstrative pronouns,
reflexive pronouns, possessive pronouns, intensive pronouns,
and indefinite

Firstly, Personal pronouns indicate those
kinds of pronouns which have related to a person like men and women. Personal
pronouns are the replacement of a person and their indication. There are lots of personal
pronouns examples such as they, she, he, it, I, etc.

One thing must note that personal pronouns have used
as object pronouns which reflects the objective. There are lots of object
pronouns such as our, her, mine, his, them, and us, etc.

are used in the expression and show possession.
There are many researchers said that possessive pronouns are the branch of
personal pronouns. It explains the number of people object and indicates the actual
role. There are lots of possessive pronouns examples such as ours, mines, his, hers,

are very interesting and used for
asking any question of anyone. There are lots of Interrogative pronouns examples
such as what, which, who, whom, how etc. Who and whom is used for any person,
which indicates things and activities as well as animals.

are reflected for any place, time, and quantity and replace nouns. We give some important Demonstrative pronouns examples such as that,
these, this, those,

explain the main subject identification
and modify the personal pronouns to add self or selves at the end. There
are lots of Reflexive pronouns examples such as themselves, ourselves, himself,
myself, herself, yourselves,

are used as agreement between two
sentences or clauses or phrases. Generally, these are used in complex sentences.
We provide a few relative pronouns example which most use such as that, whom,
who, which, whomever, whatever, whichever,

reflect unspecific things, matters,
topics, and persons and are used as replacements for noun forms. You have to know about
indefinite pronouns examples to favor in the English language such as some,
somebody, nobody, one, none, everything, everybody, anyone, anything, another,
any, all, few, some, several, each,

explain the expression of reflexive pronouns
which use a little bit. There are some Intensive pronouns examples to show as
themselves, myself, yourself, etc.

The full detail  pronoun rules notes are fully described below:

r   No article is needed before

        a) An Adverb                            b) A Noun                    c) An Adjective                                               d)A Pronoun   

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে।  


For better understanding read the
following joke:


Perelman came home one night and presented his wife with a diamond
necklace for their anniversary
(বিবাহবার্ষিকী). His wife said, “It’s
beautiful, Myron, but I asked you for a Mercedes”

know” her husband replied. “But I don’t know where to buy an
imitation Mercedes.”


উপরের Paragraph-টির underline করা word গুলো Pronoun. লক্ষ্য করো, কখনো এগুলো Myronকে, কখনো তার wife কে, আবার কখনো তাদের দু’জনকেই mean করছে। 

forms of personal pronoun

Forms of pronoun





I, you, he, she, it

We, you, they


My, mine, yours, your, his, her, its

Our, Ours, your, yours, their, theirs


me, you, him, her, it

us, you, them


myself, yourself, himself, itself

themselves, ourselves, yourselves, 


r   Choose the correct option

        a. Charles friend’s loves Burns poems

        b. Charle’s friend loves Burns poems

        c. Charles friend love’s Burns’ poems                

        d. Charles’ friend loves Burns’ poems

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে।কারণ, ব্যক্তির শেষে‘s’ থাকলে apostrophe অথবা, apostrophe ‘s’  দুটোই বসানো যায়।


r   Choose the correct option.

        a. Jahir’s the guy which giving us a ride                  

        b. Jahir’s the guy who’s giving us a ride

        c. Jahir the guy what giving us a ride

        d. Jahir’s the guy who giving us a ride

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে।কারণ,Jahir’s হলো Jahir isএর সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপ এবংs

who’s হলো who isএর সংক্ষিপ্ত রূপ।

r   Is it _____?                                                                                 

        a. the yours       b.
the your’s          c. your                d. yours

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে।কারণ yours অর্থ Ôতোমারটা।

নিচের pronoun গুলোর বিভিন্ন form ভালভাবে খেয়াল করো এবং পার্থক্য বোঝার চেষ্টা করো:



 Pronoun-এর ব্যবহার


 Rule – 01


r    The Captain ____ had a score of 30.                   


         a. Joy and myself                 b. Joy and me        

        c. Joy
and I                       d. Joy and us

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে।কারণ,বাক্যের শুরুতে pronoun-Gi subject form বসে।

Pronoun বাক্যের subject হিসাবে বসলে এর subject form
হয়। যেমন:

(লুকিয়ে রাখা ) your beauty.

began school life again.

বাক্যের object হিসাবে বসলে pronoun-এর objective form use হয়।|

        He taught him lesson.


 Rule – 02


r    You must pay my fare If you insist______.


a) on my coming             b) on me of come

c) on me coming                d)
on that i come

সমাধান-a উত্তর হবে।কারণ, insistএর সাথে on হয়।| Ôআমার আসাÕ বুঝাতে my coming হবে।

 A sore throat prevented his taking part, although peter had been looking forward to the debate for weeks.

অর্থাৎ-ing-যুক্ত verb-এর আগে যদি কোন pronoun বসে, তবে তার Possessive form ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমন : My coming, your going, his leaving.

requested him not to vex me.

অর্থাৎ- যদি infinitiveএর আগে কোন pronoun বসে, তবে তা objective form এ বসে।

 Rule – 03

r   It was ______ who first noticed
the difference.

        a. me                      b.
I                  c. myself            d. me self


সমাধান-উত্তর হবে।কারণ,who যে pronounকে নির্দেশ করে তা হবে subject formএ।

Be verb (am, is, are, was, were), than, as-এর পর pronoun-Gi
subject form বসে। যেমনঃ

It is he who
sends down AYAT.

It is you who are responsible for the misdeeds.

He is taller than I.


 Rule – 04


r   The more oxygen is carried to _____ cells,the more hemoglobin one has.

         a. our                        b. their              c.its            d. one’s

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে।কারণ,one এর possessive হলো one’s.

One” subject হিসেবে বসলে এর পরিবর্তে© possessive
হিসেবে one’s বসে। যেমন-

should take care one’s health.


      One of my student’s is serious about his study.

অর্থাৎ,oneএর পরে যদি of  দিয়ে কিছু শব্দগুচ্ছ যোগ করা হয়, সেক্ষেত্রে possessive pronoun হিসেবে my / his / her বসে।



 Rule – 05


 Who না Whoever ?


r   Choose the correct option. 

       a. The man was short who stole may bag            

       b. The man who was short l stole my bag

        c. The man stole my bag who is short.                      

        d. The man who stole my bag was short.

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে।কারণ,who’ দিয়ে manকে indicate করায় who, the
এর ঠিক পরে বসবে।


r   Choose the correct option.                    

      a. Give the work to whichever looks Pretty.                 

       b. Give the work to whom looks Pretty.

       c. Give the work to whomever looks Pretty.

       d. Give the work to whoever looks Pretty.

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে।কারণ,looks হলো verb; তাই এর আগে subject form whoever বসবে।


        The students who are poor have applied for a scholarship.


অর্থাৎ, Relative
pronoun (Who, Which, What, Whom, Whose)
noun বা pronoun কে নির্দেশ করে, তাকে antecedent বলে। Relative pronoun-টি antecedent এর ঠিক পরে বসে। উপরের উদাহরণেWho’ relative pronoun-এর antecedent হচ্ছে The farmers’| তাই who-এর ঠিক পরে বসেছে।

 Rule – 06


The students who are good at English have the possibility

to get chance in D.U.    


The Student who is good at English has the possibility to

get chance in D.U.


Relative pronoun subject হিসেবে বসলে এর verbটি singular হবে, না plural হবে, তা depend করে যাকে নির্দেশ করছে তার উপর। অর্থাৎ antecedent singular হলে relative
এরverb-টি singular হয়। আর antecedent plural হলে relative pronounএর  verbটিও plural হয়।


 Rule – 07


Who না Whom ?


Mr. Micawber who took me home with him arrived punctually
at  8


i) বাক্যের subject এর স্থলে অর্থাৎ verbএর আগে সবসময় who ব্যবহৃত হয়।

The customer whom you praised in your review has written a message.


ii) Relative pronoun কোন noun বা pronoun এর ঠিক আগে বসলে এর objective form হয়।


এবার নিচের example-টি লক্ষ্য করো যা উপরের উদাহরণগুলোর ব্যতিক্রম


He was the customers who I trusted was  most likely   

                                        (a)             (b)                         (c)

to receive the Ekushe award. No


        Ans: (E)                        

  উপরের উদাহরণে relative
pronoun ‘Who’ ‘I’ pronoun 
এর সাথে বসা সত্ত্বেও এর objective
form ‘Whom’ 
না বসে subject form ‘Who’ বসেছে। কেননা পরে যে Ôwas’ verb-টি রয়েছে, তার subject হচ্ছে Who’ এবং I believed হচ্ছে অতিরিক্ত অংশ। 


 Rule – 08


likes those who are faithfully true to their Amanat.

Razin helps those who help themselves.

Relative pronoun-এর  পূর্বে কখনোই “They” বা “Them”বসতে পারে না। এদের পরিবর্তে ‘Those’’ বসে।


Important Suggestion


1   Messi and_____are going to join the same conference. (কন্ফারেন্স্ – সাংবাদিক সম্মেলন)

      (a)  our       (b)
we              (c)

      (d) we are 
            (e) none of the above.


2.   Through
elected officials, a representative democracy includes citizens like you
and_____in the decision-making process.

      (a) me        (b) my          (c) mine (d) I   (e) myself


3.   In a
parliamentary system, it is not the monarch   
(মন্যার্ক্ – রাজা)  but the Prime Minister_________.

      (a) whom the real power.

      (b) whom has the real power.

      (c) who the real power.    

      (d) who has the real power.

      (e) who have the real power.

4.   He didn’t
know_____to the party.

      (a) who he would take to the party.          

      (b) whose he would take to the party.

      (c) whoever he would take.          

      (d) whomever he would take.

      (e) whom he would take.


5.   People
(এবোমিনেই্ট্ – প্রচন্ডভাবে ঘৃণা করা) the authors who _____.

      (a) copies from other books.

      (b) coping from other books.

      (c) copy from other books.           

      (d) is coping from other books.

      (e) none of the above.


6.   Mr. Brown will hire a new employee, either
Rashid    or­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________.

      (a) whose        (b) he    (c) her        (d) I     (e) she.


7.   Choose the
correct sentence :

(a) The people cheated on the
examination who had to leave the room.

(b) The people cheated on the
examination whom had to leave the room.

(c) The people whom cheated on
the examination had to leave the room.

(d) The people who cheated on
the examination had to leave the room.

      (e) Both (a) and (d).


8.   Choose the
correct sentence:

      (a) The man that said that was a clever.           

      (b) The man who said that was a clever.  

      (c) The man that said that, was a clever. 

      (d) The man which said that was a clever.    (e) None.


9.   _________who
are industrious 
(পরিশ্রমী) get
success in their life.

      (a) they      (b)
them           (c) those

      (d) their                  (e)
a and c


10. ________thinking over the issue went awry (আরাই- ভেস্তে গেল বা ব্যর্থ হল এমন)

he         (b) she (c) him (d) his  (e) he is


11.       I would
be glad to take a message for_____.

      (a) he         (b)
him (c) his  (d) she (e) they


12.      The milk of a liquid are held together lighter than_______ of a ice.

      (a) that       (b)
those                      (c) for that        

      (d) of that  (e) with that

13.       Choose
the correct sentence:

      (a) Selim, you and I shall be visited.

      (b) I, you and Selim shall be visited.

      (c) You, me and Selim shall be visited.

      (d) You, Selim and I shall be visited.

      (e) Both (b) and (d)


14. The doctors agree that ice should be applied immediately when a footballer suffers an injury to_____leg.

      (a) Its         (b)
a     (c) the (d) his  (e) an

Answer Key
& Explanation


01 (B) Pronoun বাক্যের subject হিসেবে বসলে এর subject form use হয়।


02. (A) বাক্যের object হিসেবে বসলে pronoun এর objective form


03(D)অনেকেই ভুল করবে!!! who দিয়ে the prime minister’কে indicate করছে যা Singular. তাই সঠিক উত্তর (d) হয়েছে।


04(E) Relative pronoun, noun বা pronoun এর ঠিক আগে বসলে objective
হয়।  তবে এক্ষেত্রে(d) এর whomever (যাকে তাকে) হবে না। কেননা এটা বসালে sentence wU
meaningful হয় না।


05. (C) কঠি-ই-ই-ন !!! who’ দিয়ে authors (গ্রন্থকার) কে indicate করছে, যা Plural| আর তাই who এর পরও plural verb বসবে।


06(C) hire’
টির object হিসেবে pronoun এর objective form ব্যবহৃত হবে। আর তাই সঠিক উত্তর (b); অর্থাৎ Brown will hire Rashid or her– এভাবে চিন্তা করো।


07 (D) Relative
সবসময় যাকে indicate করে, তার ঠিক পরে বসে।


08. (B) ‘people’ কে বোঝাতে who বসে,
that নয়।


09. (C) Relative pronoun--এর পূর্বে কখনো-ই they বসতে পারে না। those বসে।


10. (D) Gerund
এর আগে pronoun বসলে এর possessive form হয়। তাই Õhis’হয়েছে।


11. (B) Preposition এর পর Pronoun এর Objective
হয়।  ॥ এখানে him হবে।


12. (B) যেমন:The
molecules of a liquid
……………… than the molecules (those) of a gas. অর্থাৎ molecules-এর এখানে moleculesএর সাথে তুলনা।

Bবিভিন্ন Person এর  Pronoun গুলো একসাথে বসলে এরা 231 order অর্থাৎ প্রথমে 2nd person, পরে 3rd person এবং সবশেষে 1st person বসে। তবে দোষ / গুণ বোঝালে 123 order follow করে।

14. (D) দেহের বিভিন্ন অঙ্গ প্রত্যঙ্গের আগে pronoun-এর 
possessive form হয়।

This is a clear and full overview note about pronoun rules. We hope that you are already clear about this topic of English grammar. If you find education notes and tips, you will visit other pages on our website.


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