Noun Rules and Examples in English Grammar


Noun rules

                                í NOUN î

Noun rules are the most vital part of parts of
speech. It refers to any person or thing the name indicates. Nouns are generally two
kinds such as countable and uncountable nouns. A countable noun is a noun which
used to count anything or any noun. There are so many countable nouns such as people, ben, books, cars, etc. On the other hand, uncountable nouns are those
nouns which haven’t physically count. There are lots of uncountable noun
examples such as milk, water, sugar, salt, etc.

The noun rules have also a few classifications such as proper nouns, collective, common as well and abstract nouns. There are also more nouns, especially abstract nouns. Generally, a proper noun indicates the name of any person or anything, place, or topic, and a common noun refers to the general name of any cast, category classification, and so on. The collective noun is the collection of any type of noun and the material noun is indicated as the material name or thing. Most material nouns are uncountable nouns or don’t count physically. So, our details note provides the below:


01. Verb of the
word “justification 
(যৌক্তিকতা) is-

A. Justice               B.

C. Justifiable          D.

      Ans: (B)                              

Ü উপরের উদাহরণ থেকে বুঝা গেলো, শব্দের শেষেtion থাকলে noun হয়।


02.       Verb of
the word “Simplification” is-

A. Simply              B.

C. Simplistic          D.

      Ans: (D)   

Ü   শব্দের শেষেtion থাকলে-noun হয়।


03.       The word ‘Survival’ is a noun. What is its
verb form?

      A. Survey              B. Service

      C. Survive              D. Swerve 

      Ans: (C)   

Ü   al থাকলে noun হয়।


04.       What is
the noun of the adjective “Polite”.

      A. Politic                B. Polity

Politeness          D. Polished

      Ans: (C)   

Ü  wordশেষে ness থাকলে noun হয়।


05.       Find
out the noun from the following.

A. National            B.

C. Nationalise        D.

      Ans: (D)               

Ü   শব্দের শেষেty থাকলে-nounহয়।যেমন:Sincerity, integrity


06. “Frequency”
is a ________. 

      a. noun 
b. adverb   c. adjective          d. verb

(noun)-frequent (adj)-Frequently (adv) (a)  
উত্তর হবে।

Ü   cy থাকলে-noun হয়।

07. “Survival” is
a ______ .      

      a. noun 
 b. adverb  c. adjective         d. verb

(verb)-survival (noun) a  
উত্তর হবে।


08. The ‘Verb’
form of the noun ‘danger’ is _____             

      a. dangerous             b. dangered           

      c. dangerful              d. endanger

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে।কারণ danger (noun) – endanger (বিপদগ্রস্থ করা) (verb).


 ¿ Noun চেনার উপায় ¿



  ডোরা কাটা দাগ দেখে বাঘ চেনা যায়-




নীচের বাক্যগুলোতে ভুল থাকলে correct করো :


01.  The US Navy has studied the possible of having people live beneath the ocean in its sealab program .  

02.   Because of its straight grain, attractive colour, and durable, Lumber (করাত দিয়ে কাটা তক্তা) from redwoods is in great demand.

03. The conditions most favorable to the form of dew (শিশির বিন্দু) are relatively high humidity
(হিউ-মি-ডি-টি – আদ্রতা)
a calm, clear atmosphere
(অ্যাটমসফিয়ার – বায়ুমন্ডল)।


04.   In the history of American developing, the wagon (ওয়াগন – পণ্য পরিবহনের জন্য চার চাকার গাড়ি) remained the dominant method of commercial
land transportation until the railroad age.

05. John Crowe Kansom’s poetry reflects
with sophisticated wit
 (সফিসটিকেইটেড উইট – রসময় সুক্ষ্মবুদ্ধি) and irony (আই-রনি-পরিহাস)
of the popular thematic of southern decadence (ডিকাডেন্স – অবক্ষয়)।

06.   Thomas
Jefferson was a violinist
(ভাইওলিনিস্ট – বাদ্যযন্ত্র বাদক), a
president of the United States, an architect, and a scholarly  
(স্কলারলি – পন্ডিত ব্যক্তির মতো)।

07.   In
a hollow tree with no open to
the outside, decaying wood
(পচনশীল কাঠ)
gradually falls to
bottom of the trunk
(ট্রাংক – বৃক্ষ কান্ড, গাছের গুঁড়ি)।

The raven’s (রেইভেন – দাঁঢ় কাক) black color, mournful (র্মৌন্ফুল্ – করুণ) croak(ক্রৌক – কর্কশ ডাক),and bold have made it an object of superstition (সুর্পাস্টিন্ – কুসংস্কার)and legend (লিজেন্ড – লোককাহিনী)।

09. The important of children’s play is reflected in their behavior.

10.  Immigrated
from a wide variety of countries have given the United States cultural

11.   A
new colonization was established
in Hawaii

Answer Keys


1. Possibility

2. durability

3. formation

4. development

5. themes

6. scholar    

7. opening

8. boldness


10. immigrants

11. colony


¿Classification of Noun¿



Noun Classifiaction

¿ Sentence-G Nounএর ব্যবহার¿


q_______ of the room will be sold.

        a. The possession             b. The position            

        c. The possessions           d. position

সমাধান-a উত্তর হবে কারণ possession  মানে হলো মালিকানাস্বত্ত্ব। একটি সম্পত্তির(room) মালিকানাস্বত্ত্ব একটাই, তাই plural (C) হবে না।

1    Unless protected areas are established, the Royal Bengal Tigers will face____ of extinction.

        A. possible    B. the possibility C. to be possible

        D. possibly    E. most possibly

        Ans: B          

2   The ______of pollution in the cities should not be overlooked by the authorities.                   

     A. affects         B. effecting     

        C. affect           D. effects (ফলাফল / পরিণতি)

        Ans: D

Rule: Participle, Gerund, infinitive কিংবা Preposition-এরপর noun বসে।   

* Rolling stone gathers no moss (শেওলা).

            Participle       N

* Walking is a good habit in the morning.

            gerund                                N

* He was craving (ব্যাকুলভাবে কামনা করা)  for affection (স্নেহ).

 Exercise on the usage of noun-

1.     The executor of a will not only has final ______, but may also be financially liable for any mistakes.

        A. responsible                                   B. responsibility                                   

        C. the responsibility                        D. responsibleness.

2.     Wendell Willkie gained to President Roosevelt’s social reforms prominence for ______.

A. his opposed                                 B. his opposition                                 

C. he was opposite                          D. opposing him

3.     The pitch (পিচ্ – তীব্রতা)of a wind instrument depends largely on ______of the vibrating column.

A. lengthy                  B. length       C. the length D. long

4. The stability of its currency depends______budget  on the state of its economy.

A. The country’s                              B. The countries

C. Countries                                     D. The country.

5.     Reading ––––––––– the act of interpreting printed and written words.

A. are                          B. be              C. being       D. is

6.     In the face of financial _________, Lucretia Hale earnestly(আর্নেস্ট্লি – ব্যগ্রভাবে)turned to writing.

A. necessary              B. the necessity           

C. necessity               D. the necessary

7.     The manner enters  fuel a diesel engine is the primary factor that affects its______.

A. efficiency             B. efficient  

C. efficiently             D. the efficiency


8.     Artificial
 (রুবি – লাল রঙ্গের রত্মবিশেষ)and sapphires (সাফার্য়্যা – নীল রত্ম) have the same______and composition (কমপজিসন – গঠন)as real stones.

A. hard                       B. hardous   

C. hardness               D. the hardness


9.     From______ of a tree,  natural rubber comes .

A. juice    B. juicy     C.
the juicy   D. the juice

10.   Kaynite is
useful as an insulating ______because
it is heat resistant and does not fuse easily with other materials.

A. substance             B. substantial              

C. substantiality       D. substantially


 Answer Keys























 Countable and Uncountable Noun


noun is the name of objects, people that can be counted. 
যেমন: Book, Pen, Student ইত্যাদি।Countable noun গননা করা যায় বলে এদের plural হয়। অন্যদিকে, যে সব বস্তু সংখ্যা দ্বারা গননা করা যায় না তাই uncountable noun. †hgb: water, sugar, rice ইত্যাদি। Noun সম্পর্কিত problem solve করার ক্ষেত্রে নিচে box- এ প্রদত্ত note-টি তোমাকে অবশ্যই মনে রাখতে হবে অর্থাৎ মুখস্থ করতে হবে।


Countable Noun

Uncountable Noun

Plural করতে এর সাথে বা es বসে। যেমন: Books, Students

বা es em‡Z
cv‡i bv|
বসতে পারে না। যেমন: 
Waters, Sugars, Rices etc.

indicator (1,2,3) 
বসতে পারে। যেমন: One Pen

বসতে পারে না।যেমন: One Water


an, the 
বসতে পারে। যেমন: A

Article বসতে পারে না। যেমন: The information

Abstract noun (বিমূর্ত : যা ধরা-ছোয়া যায় না) always
uncountable noun 
হয়।যেমন: honesty, ignorance, intelligence.


Rules Based On Noun

 Rule – 1-


r    _____ can be grown on arid land

        a. only little crop                              b. only a little

        c. only few crops                              d. only a few crops

সমাধান-d উত্তর হবে। কারণ,crops countable noun হওয়ায় এর আগে few বসবে। আর fewএর সাথে only eবসলে মাঝে অবশ্যই একটি a লাগে।    


r   Although southern California is densely populated _____ live
in the northern part of the state.                        


       a. a little people                    b. only a few people

       c. some of the people          d. many people

সমাধান-এখানে উত্তর b হবে, কারণ only a few ব্যক্তিবাচক plural nounএর সাথে বসে।some of the people many হবে না এই কারণে যে, বাক্যের শুরুতে although রয়েছে, তাই পরের অংশে তার বিপরীত idea দিবে।

 Rule – 2-


q    Choose the correct sentence.  

        a. Less people get European visas now a days 

        b. Less people get European visas now a day

        c. Few people get European visas now a days

        d. Fewer people get European  visas now a days

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে কারণ fewer শব্দটি countable plural noun এর সাথে বসে।


many of, a few, few, the few, several, several of
 এদের পর countable noun বসে।

* We don’t have many copies left

* A few students got G.P.A 5.

much of, little, less, least
এদের পর uncountable noun বসে।

There is little water in
the pot.

He is the best teacher, even though he
has the least experience.

 Rule – 3-


More water is needed.

More people are needed.

More, most,
the rest of, some, some of-
এদের পর countable / uncountable উভয়ই বসতে পারে।


 Rule – 4-

Incorrect: We need another  computers

Correct: We need another computer.  

anotherএর পর singular countable noun বসে। 


Correct the underlined words:

01.Over the Polar ruinous, little scientists doubt the existence of an ozone hole .

02. There are much  stories about how smart a fox can be when it
is being chased by hound
(হাউনড্ – শিকারী কুকুর)

03. Much of whom never graduated from high school, there are adult literacy classes for the workers.

04. The rhinoceros has little natural

05. I like to make with the milk tea  .

06. Airs will circulate better if you open the door.

07. The happiness means different people to different things.

08. We don’t have many information.

09. There are much television
programs for children on Saturday.

10. He always has much problems with his



few   02. many        03. many   04. few     05. milk

air     07. happiness 08. much   09.
many  10. many


 Rule – 5-


r    Complete the following sentence : Messi,
an interior decorator, designs ______ .                     
[D Unit 2000-2001]

        a. furniture                        b. the furniture            

        c. furnitures                       d. some furniture

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে। কারণ,furniture n‡jv uncountable noun.

 r    I need _____
soap to wash my dress with.                                           

        a. any   
b. a piece of       c. a                d. much

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে। কারণ, আমার ১ টা সাবান দরকার বোঝাতে I need a piece of


q    ___ is currently available to researchers
and physicians who studies the indigenous life of Bangladesh.

        a. a little information      b. few information

        c. little information          d. a few information

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে। কারণ, little
uncountable noun 
এর সাথে বসে।


r    The correct
plural of the word “Advice”.

        a. advice    b. many advices   c. no plural           d.

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে। কারণ,advice এর কোন plural form নেই।


r    We don’t have_____spare time these days. [B Unit

        a. many     b. much                c. some                   d.

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে। কারণ,time
uncountable noun,
তাই much হবে।

 r    The police
have collected _____ about the crime.                            

        a. many information                      b. many informations

        c. a lot of information                    d. a lot of informations

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে। কারণ information হলো uncountable noun তাই informationএর সাথে‘s’যুক্ত হবে না।

q    The police
have collected _______ about the crime.                       

        a. many information      b. many informations

        c. a lot of information    d. a lot information

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে। কারণ, a lot of + countable
/ uncountable noun. Information 
একটি Uncountable noun.

r    Which one is correct ?                             

        a. I need a few furnitures.

        b. I do  need many furnitures.

        c. I do not need some furnitures.  

        d. I need some furniture.

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে। কারণ, furniture হলো uncountable noun| তাই এর সাথে কোন s যুক্ত করা  যাবে না।

r   The ______ of the office will be sold

        a. furniture                            b. furniture’s            

        c. pieces of furniture’s        d.
pieces of and furniture

সমাধান-a উত্তর হবে।

নিচে বক্সে প্রদত্ত শব্দগুলো uncountable noun. তাই এদের সাথে article কিংবা ‘s’ যুক্ত করা যাবে না।

list of non-count nouns:










any language

(Japanese, English)










q    Two-thirds of the work______finished.

        a. have been           b. have           c. will have  d. was

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে। কারণ, work এখানে uncountable noun, work অনুযায়ী verb singular হবে।


q    Choose the correct sentence.

        a. We take the decisions based on some informations

        b. We take decision based on some

        c. We take  a decision based on some information

        d. We take  a decision based on some informations

সমাধান-উত্তর হবে। কারণ, information এখানে uncountable noun তাই এর সাথে‘s’ যুক্ত হবে না। আর Avi b উত্তর হবে না কারণ decision হলো countable noun তাই এর সাথে s যুক্ত হবে অথবা তার পূর্বে© a বসবে। অর্থাৎ a decision / decision দুটোই হতে পারে।

q Do you have
–––––––––––– to do this afternoon? If not, I would like to take you to a movie

A. many work              B.
much work        C. many works

D. much works             E.
lot of works                 
Ans: (B)


নিচে কিছু nounএর একটি chart দেওয়া হলো যেগুলোv Meaningএর উপর ভিত্তি করে কখনোও countable noun হিসেবেও ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে আবার কখনোও uncountable
হিসেবেও ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে। যেমন-

Count noun

Specific meaning

non count noun



an agreement


an occasion


a document


all agreements

a business


a company


all business


a cloth


a piece of





a decision


an occasion


all decisions

a light


a lamp


the absence of


a paper


a document

or sheet




a space


a blank


the universe

a time


a historical


or moment


all time

a war


a specific



all wars

a work


an artistic



all work


 Countable  and uncountable nouns

 with similar meanings


q    “There is _____ on the roads today”.

        a. too many traffic          b. very much traffic

        c. too much traffic          d. few traffics

সমাধান-uncountable noun-এর সাথে too much বসে, এখানে traffic uncountable noun তাই c  উত্তর হবে।


Incorrect: We are late, we got stuck in a traffic. 

Correct:  We are
late because we got stuck in a traffic
jam / traffic jams


নিচে কিছুz noun word দেয়া হলো, যাদের অর্থ এক কিন্তু একটি countable noun, আরেকটি uncountable noun হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Countable noun

Uncountable  noun

a climate



a job



a machine



a traffic jam

traffic jams





 Singular and plural
expression of uncountable nouns


একটি uncountable nounকে নিম্নলিখিত উপায়ে singular অথবা plural হিসেবে express করা যায়- 

More noun

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purposes. If you think that you will be good in English without proper knowledge
of noun rules. You can’t grow your English language skills without it. This is
also a basic and fundamental part of English grammar. You can cut a good figure in any exam if you have knowledge about the proper use of noun rules.

So, I think you can
get enough information about noun rules. You can get the right use of noun and
parts of speech. Thanks everybody for reading this article. If you want more
information, you can visit other pages of our website. 

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